Pot Distillers Instructions....provided by Gert Strand, Sweden
- Add your fruit into a 25-liter clean plastic bucket. Always wash The fruit before use in warm water. If you have a recipe, follow it. Soft Berries: Should be crushed – use between 5 – 8 kg / 25 liter. Hard Fruits (Apples / Pears etc): Should be thinly sliced, the cores removed and any bad parts cut out. Use between 8 – 10 kg / 25 liter.
- Dried fruits: Large pieces should be sliced thinly, then soak all for 2 hours in lukewarm water. Use between 2 – 4 kg / 25 liter. Remove fruit debris before instruction 1 (stalks, leaves etc). Fruit stones should not be crushed – they can lead to unpleasant flavors in the distillate and also some harmful by-products. This work should be completed as quickly as possible. It is possible to ferment the fruit inside a straining bag to save work later.
- Add 5 liters boiling water, stir bucket contents. Now add 3-kg sugar and stir for 2-3 minutes then leave to cool to 50°C. Once the liquid temperature has dropped to 50°C, add Pectolytic Enzyme and stir well. Now leave for 1 hour.
- After 1 hour, top up to 20 liters with cold water, stir well for 2-3 minutes – do not proceed until the liquid temperature has dropped below 30°C. For winemakers Now add the Pot Distillers yeast sachet contents and stir well. Do not add any acid.
- Leave to ferment for 2-3 days with a lid placed loosely on the bucket. After 2-3 days, remove the fruit using a straining bag – but ensure you squeeze the straining bag tightly to release all fruit juice
back into the fermenter. - Separately dissolve another 3-kg sugar into 4 liters hot water. Once dissolved, wait until the temperature drops below 30°C before adding into the fermenter. Top up to 25-liter mark with cold water.
- Now replace bucket lid and leave to ferment for 7 – 10 days at as near to 20°C air temperature as possible until fermentation stops.A constant / even fermentation temperature of between 20 – 25°C is excellent. Fermentation will go very slow or even stop below 15°C. Above 30°C fermentation will be too fast and the quality of distillate
poor. - After fermentation, siphon liquid from heavy sediment. Discard heavy sediment and add clearing agent to liquid and leave for 2-3 days. Siphon liquid again from heavy sediment, now liquid can be distilled.
It is important that the liquid is bright before distilling providing most of the solids have been removed before distilling.